Sending Special Keys
To send special keys to an element or browser page, you use the #send_keys
method, with a symbolic representation of what
you would like to send.
b.send_keys :enter
You can also do things like this:
b.element.send_keys [:control, 'a'], :backspace
You can also modify the click behaviour with keys:, :control)
The full list of keys are available from here:
- :null
- :cancel
- :help
- :backspace
- :tab
- :clear
- :return
- :enter
- :shift
- :left_shift
- :control
- :left_control
- :alt
- :left_alt
- :pause
- :escape
- :space
- :page_up
- :page_down
- :end
- :home
- :left
- :arrow_left
- :up
- :arrow_up
- :right
- :arrow_right
- :down
- :arrow_down
- :insert
- :delete
- :semicolon
- :equals
- :numpad0
- :numpad1
- :numpad2
- :numpad3
- :numpad4
- :numpad5
- :numpad6
- :numpad7
- :numpad8
- :numpad9
- :multiply
- :add
- :separator
- :subtract
- :decimal
- :divide
- :f1
- :f2
- :f3
- :f4
- :f5
- :f6
- :f7
- :f8
- :f9
- :f10
- :f11
- :f12
- :meta
- :command